Separation, divorce and the breakup of a relationship can be a difficult, confusing, stressful and emotional time. We are experienced in all aspects of Family Law and can guide you from the time you are thinking about separation to sorting out the settlement of your property and parenting issues.
Family Law Divorce and Separation
Our expert team of Family Law professionals with years of experience in the local area are here to help. Whether you need advice with property disputes, a divorce, child custody, parenting arrangements, child support or other Family Law issues, our dedicated team of Family Law experts are ready to be consulted to make sure you understand your rights and your options.
Property Division
When spouses separate, dividing their assets can be complex and difficult. No matter what your financial situation is, our lawyers have the experience and understanding to advise you on what you’re entitled to.
Child Custody and Access, Parenting Agreements
Child Custody and Access
Child Custody and Access involves a parent’s ability to spend time with their children and control the decisions made regarding their child’s care, education and health issues. Whether it’s through negotiation or involving the courts, we can help you to find a solution that’s in the best interests of your children.
Parenting Agreements are used by parents who, to limit disputes and their impact on children, wish to make decisions about how their children will be cared for.
Child Support
When a child lives primarily with one parent, the other parent is still responsible for making payments to assist in the child’s care, education, housing and extracurricular sporting and leisure activities. We can help make sure your children get the financial support they are entitled to and to ensure they don’t miss out.
Spousal Maintenance
Spousal Maintenance is intended to assist spouses in maintaining their lifestyles and address any hardships that may have been endured during the relationship such as health issues and Family and Domestic Violence. We can assess your entitlement to Spousal Support and work hard to ensure you get what you deserve.
Our expert team of Family Law professionals can assist in the mediation process for resolving disputes prior to litigation or anywhere along the life of legal proceedings. Success in mediation depends entirely upon good preparation, great communication and the parties agreeing. Our expert team are bilingual and fluent in Italian, Spanish, Greek, Russian, Mandarin and Fillipino.
Prenups / Financial Agreements
Do you want to protect your business interest, property you own or your inheritance in the event of separation? Prenups/Financial Agreements are used by people who live together and want to make plans about their financial relationship. We can prepare a “Pre-Nup” or Financial Agreement that can minimise the difficulties and stress you’ll face in the event of separation.
“Pre Nups” are an effective way for a couple to make decisions:
> Prior to commencing cohabitation;
> During cohabitation; or
> On separation
about a number of issues in case they eventually separate or are separated. We recommend all couples thinking of entering a relationship, or even during the relationship, consult a lawyer to discuss the advantages of sorting out and discussing these issues while the parties are living in a happy amicable relationship and save a lot of the time, stress, and cost, in case of divorce or separation.
Financial Agreements are strongly recommended if you are thinking of entering a second relationship or marriage after divorce and you want to protect your assets from further litigation in the event of another separation.
Independent Legal Advice
If your spouse or partner has had a Prenup or Financial Agreement prepared by another lawyer it’s important that you seek independent advice before signing it. We can help you fully understand your rights and what it is that you’re agreeing to.